Cottonwood Castoffs Corner
About Our Club
Club Photo Album
Club Photo Album 2
Speshul FX
Pantomime Pt1
Pantomime pt2
One Small Step
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Welcome to the home of the OLDEST comedy group in the World!


'ave a cuppa tea
while you browse.

Our site will show how we go about entertaining our Senior community, in the belief that "Laughter is the best medicine"
Our group is sixteen in number, with an AVERAGE AGE on the better side of SEVENTY! It is our fervent hope that, as you wander our site, you will be motivated to bring similar pleasure to your peers.
To navigate, just click on the links at top left.


On this home page, we'll introduce our club. We are proud to say that for the last three years we have been performing a new show, as a one night stand, every month! It should be noted that attempting a one night stand more often than once a month, at our age, brings on the very real danger of hernias (herniae?); as seems to be evidenced by my colleague below.

A sailboat; Actual size=240 pixels wide

The aim of this site is to offer our help to any who might wish to bring such comedic entertainment to their own community, by showing you visuals, scripts, programme ideas, staging techniques etc. And, hey folks, IT'S ALL FREE! My goodness, if someone offered us money for what we do, we would have to sell our pup tents, and move into real houses!

For all you ever needed to know about the Net,click here! They even gave us this award.


We hope that you will take time to leave some comments in our Guest Book. Two conditions; be kind, and write in big letters.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Now, go take a look at our photos,
but read "About our Club" first.

